New Works
Many years of painting, gallery representation and successful shows have formed a solid base for my work, Add to this hours of painting and hours and hours of wandering in the Boreal Forests. All of this now forms an equally strong base for my latest work. In this work, I am using a more limited, selected palette, creating deeply thoughtful work, using palette knife alone. Please wander through these images, and enjoy.

Expressing and describing the effects of the elements, such as wind, light , rain and mood on scenes from the natural world is central to these paintings.

Water Gardens
Each day brings new artistic challenges. A walk on the beach on a foggy day, a stroll through deeply beautiful forests, or observing the wind rustling through a stand of bushes or reflective pool, all provide inspiration. Time then to enclose myself in the studio. Thoughts, memories and impressions are to be set down.

Small Works
These are captivating small paintings based on scenes from the French countryside and the beautiful land that surrounds us.

A beautiful collection of florals and still lives with strong wall presence that could brighten your home.